Det är alltid lika intressant med snöoväder i Skåne. Folk norrut tycker att vi är konstiga som klagar över ett par decimeter snö. Men när all snö blåser ihop i drivor på vägarna... I går gick inga bussar in till Lund. I dag gick de, men det där med tidtabeller kunde man glömma. Och så ska det komma mer snö ikväll.
It's always as interesting with blizzards in Skåne (the utmost south of Sweden). People up in the north think that we are weird that complain about a few decimeters of snow. But when all of it is on the roads because of the wind.... Yesterday there were no buses to Lund. Today there were buses, but you could forget anything about timetables. And there'll be more snow tonight.